Saturday 21 February 2015

I am the Queen of Procrastination

It has been half term with us this week. I had so many plans of things I would achieve and nice outings I would take with the kids. However, a combination of nursing a painful shoulder, and having two children who are now at that age where they organise their own activities, has meant that I achieved a grand total of nothing. There a few areas of my life which seem to be hanging in limbo at the moment, and rather than capitalise on this and forging forward with other things, I just can't motivate myself to do anything, other than lounging about, reading trashy novels, oh, and doing the usual washing, cooking, cleaning, ironing, shopping, that is. And is it just me, but boy do we get through some food when the kids are home!

Anyway, I did finally stir myself to do this journal page. My daughter has had to do some portrait work for her art homework, so we had been researching some different drawing styles, and I fanned a tiny flicker of motivation into this page. I debated colouring the face, but decided that the grey pencil kind of summed up my mood at the moment and that the colourful hair could be all the ideas that are there, in my head, but I just haven't found the oomph to let them out yet.

In the mean time, I am writing lists. Loads of them. Lists of all the things that I am going to do, when I do find my oomph again. As we all know, you can't beat a good list - it's the grown up version of a revision timetable!

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